Sunday, July 7, 2013

A New Day

Let me give a basic overview of what you may expect to find here on Emfris. We want to share with you our experiences, feelings, and opinions.  By all means realize that we are people with feelings and opinions, just like you; and sometime we feel like sharing them.  But that is all that they are, opinions and feelings; each is entitled to their own. With that little disclaimer out of the way i have one more:  

Everything we have ever been told is a lie.
Anybody who tells you something is lying, even me.
Seek the truth.

Now that we have all that cleared up let me make a list of possible topics we will be posting about:
  •  Cultivation of: Mushrooms, Hydroponic plants, Animals, Micro-Greens, etc.
  • Lifestyle: Growing our own food, Exercise, Asanas Yoga, Diet, etc.
  • Spirituality: Right Living, The nature of our minds, Natural energetic patterns, Art, etc.
  • Current Status: What needs improvement and how to do it, Where to go from here, etc.
  • Future Status: What are our dreams and how to never lose sight of them, Future technologies, Future life, Does time end?, and all those questions we can't answer but are still worth asking...
We will also gladly take post request, if you have a topic you want to talk about, or something you would liek us to share with you, just ask!  I would rather communicate about a topic that I know someone is curious about, rather than having to try to assume what people will be interested in.  All comments are welcome, but please try to keep things light and positive.  To many people chatting online seem to argue and bicker for no purpose; please refrain from this type of communication.

I would like to consecrate this blog/online presence to: The Earth Mother, The Powers of Communication, The Multi-Verse, The Higher Beings, and The Ultimate Ancestor.  May this online presence be given up to the light, so it may be filled with the light, to become a tool for development towards our destined higher nature.  May we all be given the opportunity to benefit from this, and all interaction within existence.

Thank you for checking out Emfris, and visit back regularly for updates.

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